Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Birds, turtles and frogs

A couple days ago we noticed that a bird was making a nest in one of our folded up lawn chairs. a few days later there was an egg! then another egg! then another egg! then another egg! so far there has been a new egg every day. Lily is in love with them and goes to check on every few minutes... and Shelby goes out to check for a new one every morning. I wish that i could post a picture, but guess what! the camera is broken! luckily this time I'm not responsible for its destruction... we can all blame Cassie for that.
Along with birds, we have been finding A LOT of turtles. Over all, we have rescued about 20 turtles from certain death in the middle of the road. we have mostly found snapping turtles, including one HUGE one that my dad carried to the lake after a few attempts to eat his hands. of course as a thank you for my dads kind act of service, it peed all over him the entire time...
Three days ago it rained like CRAZY! My mom and dad went to the store and came back with three toads and a frog. the frog was so cute! it was bright, bright green and looked like a tree frog. we let them go in our backyard. all night i couldn't go to sleep because some big old toad was sitting outside my window croaking at the top of his lungs ALL NIGHT LONG.
I will try to post some pictures that we took on my dads phone soon!

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, I am not kind and loving like your family. On the way home from Chattanooga yesterday a mother duck and three ducklings were crossing the freeway. I didn't see them in time and then big crunch, little crunch. Goodbye mama and one baby duck, I hope you enjoy the afterlife!
